Pennsic 50. It was a lot. My first Pennsic, but definitely not my last. Over 11,000 attendees this year, from throughout the Knowne World. I had the distinct pleasure of camping with a joint House Grimmsfield/House Honey Badger camp, and the organization was top notch. My wife and I made spaghetti on our assigned night, which turned out amazing! In no particular order, here is a small list of the notable events from our 10 days at Pennsic 50:

I was promoted to Under Forester in the Atlantian Royal Forestry Guild. Next up is Forester, and I've almost met those requirements now too, since I was able to get a fire started using flint and steel. Congratulations to fellow guild member, Lorelei Greenleaf, on her promotion to Forester!
I fought in a number of rapier tournaments and melees, including the Battle of La Rochelle, Battle of Tortuga, Battle of the River Sienne, and the Field Battle, as well as the Knowne World Cadet Tourney, Knowne World Baronial Rapier Champions Tourney, and the Pennsic 50 Rose Tourney. Being able to use my RBG was a lot of fun, but I have mixed feelings about the use of spears in our melee battles. Adrenaline and calibration is already at an all-time high on these fields, and throwing a 6-9' long spear into the mix can get dicey. I personally took a very stiff shot to the sternum that had me quickly on the sidelines, and I know I wasn't the only one.

My tourneys were a mixed bag of performance and emotion as well. I feel like I fought very well in my first Rose Tourney, and was exceptionally honored to be able to fight for Duchess Adelhait, scoring 27 points out of 50 overall. The Cadet tourney had be seeing 3 rounds in a double elimination format, so at least I didn't double out of that one. And the Baronial Champs tourney was an odd one, comprised of over 2 hours of pickup fights in the backfield, interspersed with showcase bouts for the assembled baronages, culminating in the victor being chosen for "best demise".
Time away from the battlefields was spent with friends around the campfire, singing and enjoying a nice drink, or down in the market, where we expanded our wardrobes and available accessories. We experienced a gladiatorial fight at the Roman Bacchanal, and had drinks down at the Octobar. Lastly, Atlantian Great Court was an affair, not to be missed. My dearest friend and mentor, Cataldo Querini, was recognized for all of his hard work in blacksmithing, and was elevated as a Peer of the Realm, to join the Order of the Laurel. This is surely not the final step on his path, but it is still one that I am very happy to have been able to share with him.
